Wednesday Women’s Bible Study
When: 9:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Where: The Hall Room B
Joshua: Winning the Worry Battles
Join Wednesday mornings at 9:15 AM for a time of fellowship, teaching, and small group discussion together. Everyone meets in Room A for opening; then we break up for the 2 studies.
Study one: (Joshua) in Room B
Bible Study one: We will be going through the book “Joshua: Winning the Worry Battles with video teaching by Barbara Roose. We will move over into Room B after the opening.
Bible Study two: Join us in this study as we focus on God's attributes. Understanding Who God is will change our perspective and our lives! We will be in Room A with Mike Bryant teaching this study.
Thursday Women’s Bible Study
When: 6:00 PM
Where: The Hall
Esther - Daring Faith for a Time Such as This
This 7 week study by Kelly Minter dives into the daring faith of Esther and her cousin Mordecai - a faith rooted in the goodness of God. Although our time looks different from Esther's, our God is just as active and faithful today, and He has called us for such a time as this.
Citywide Women’s retreat save the date
Join us for a get-away weekend at beautiful Woodleaf - just a short drive from Oroville. A diverse group of women from area churches have united to plan a weekend to encourage and uplift you as you learn more about God and yourself.
Immerse yourself in Bible teaching, heartfelt worship, and meaningful connections with women from across Butte County. Expect lots of laughter, learning, relaxation, creativity, games, and so much more.