The Evangelical Free Church of Chico (EFCC) supports missionaries in Chico, the United States and in foreign countries. We also provide opportunities for individuals and families to experience the mission field for themselves through service to the local community in Chico and trips to other countries. In past we have coordinated trips to Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Russia and South Africa.
Caleb & Alexius seek to engage college students in the Bay Area with the Gospel, a hope often hidden in this fast-paced, disillusioned culture. There is a great need in America’s cities for the body of Christ to bridge racial, cultural, and economic barriers with Christ’s love. We hope to empower and equip students to live into their identity in Christ and be mobilized to steward their gifts toward the Great Commission.
Caleb & Alexius Alldrin
Kelley Otto coaches student leaders and community volunteers nationwide with Destino (the Latino/Hispanic ministry of Cru). She equips, encourages, and prays with them as they start and lead Destino movements on their local college campuses. Destino seeks to serve the University campus and the greater community through the vision and unique gifts of Latino and Hispanic men and women. Our community explores how faith and culture intersect, journeying with Latino students, faculty, and community members to follow Jesus and share His love so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. (Destino).
(Ambassadors of Reconciliation Ministries)
Ian and his wife Roxanne live in Oroville, CA. Since 2012, Ian has served as Lead Chaplain and founding CEO of ARM, a jail chaplaincy outreach to inmates in the Butte County Jail. He visits inmates, recruits and trains mentors who, in turn, meet weekly with inmates for discipleship training. Ian also recruits, trains and equips inmate leaders in the jail pods to facilitate evangelism and discipleship. To learn more about ARM, click HERE
(Child Evangelism Fellowship)
Andrea Meyer serves as a Director with Child Evangelism Fellowship in the 15 most-northern counties of California. The purpose of CEF is to evangelize children in the Gospel, and establish them in the Word of God and in the local Bible-believing church for Christian growth.
Our website is cefnorcal.org/northerncounties
Andrew and Bonnie are team leaders with Campus Crusade for Christ “CRU” at CSU Chico and Butte College. Our passion is reaching college students, building them up in their faith, and sending them into the world to do likewise! Through Cru, we are trusting God to build spiritual movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
Luke and Megan Bryant are excited to be serving in Chico with Cru helping reach college students locally and abroad with the gospel. We want to see students built up in their faith and sent out to be lifelong followers of Christ who serve in their local church, love their families, and reach people for Christ in the areas of influence God has given them.
Luke and Megan Bryant
(Cadence International)
Our family directs a Hospitality House Ministry that serves Ellsworth Air Force Base. We share the gospel and our lives with the military community, our primary focus being with young, single airmen. We provide a home away from home for these young men and women – to love, disciple, mentor and be present in their lives.
To learn more about the Kinney family and Cadence International, click HERE
Josh and Adrienne are currently serving Jesus in Budapest, Hungary with Cru. They are both working at the International Christian School of Budapest serving believing and non-believing families from all over the world. Josh is also involved in International Student ministry and various other ministries around the city.
Tim and Susan Driscoll are leading the OMF Kanto area missionaries and short term workers, helping OMF’s work in Japan to be strategic and the missionaries to be joyful and effective. They are mobilizing more workers, training missionaries and equipping the Japanese church to reach the 99% of Japanese who have not heard the Gospel.
To learn more about the Driscoll family, click HERE.
(World Venture)
Jon and Jenny Davis have worked in Uganda since 2007. Jon has founded The Ideas Workshop which is an organization that combines Bible study and life on life discipleship with trade training and a metal fabrication workshop. Jenny runs Bright Horizons lending library for both national and missionary homeschooling families. They have 3 children, Meg, Dan, and Emily.
To learn more about The Ideas Workshop, click HERE.
Matt and Karissa Long serve at the mission center in Papua New Guinea. Our role is supporting tribal church planting – enabling missionaries to be in remote bush locations and serve among unreached people groups. These missionaries learn the local language, teach literacy, translate the Bible, and teach God’s Word. The end goal is to help plant a self-functioning, mature church that can reach others. Currently, we are supporting this work by Matt serving as the personnel director, seeking to provide help and leadership to the missionaries here. We also teach at the center, which enables the pilots, doctors, accountants, etc. to do their jobs of helping bush missionaries to be in their tribes. Click HERE for more info on their mission.
Matt & Karissa Long
(Ethnos 360)
(Global Outreach International)
The Stoimenovi Family serves orphans and vulnerable children in Bulgaria. They teach lessons, lead activities and mentor children in Bulgarian orphanages and help youth transition to independent living after leaving orphanages. As the system in Bulgaria slowly changes, they are doing more in terms of prevention of child abandonment, and in advocating for every child to live in a family.
To learn more about the Stoimenovi family, click HERE.
(Word of Life)
Word of Life Panama missionary for some years, working with Panamanian children and youth through the local church and leadership training. I am currently part of the children's ministry that includes the puppet show, camps and special events for children. Support for the local church with girls' discipleship and women's leadership. lodging of the groups that visit you and administration of resources in the camp. To learn more about International Messengers, click HERE.
(Rocklin Global)
Sharla and Russell are serving in SE Asia since 2008 using education as a vocational identity to access unreached people groups. They are currently living and serving in Cambodia on a
platform of education to reach the lost. They serve with ROCKLIN GLOBAL to open Kingdom Schools that provide education for Cambodian children and support church planting efforts in
the city and surrounding villages. They are involved in village outreach and church planting in Cambodia where Russell has opportunity to preach and teach and Sharla leads worship and
teaches English to Cambodian children. They are discipling teachers who disciple Cambodian children and providing hope for their future. To learn more about Rocklin Global click HERE, and HIS International School, HERE
K & S work with OMF International. K’s focus is on supporting those who love and bless Muslim peoples in Southeast Asia. K leads a team who seeks to increase prayer and attract those God has asked to go and live amongst these dear peoples to love and bless them. S is the editor of an internal prayer bulletin for OMF. K and S have two children. K is also a member of a team in Texas, that seeks to love and bless Muslim refugees from Southeast Asia through meeting practical needs such as English teaching. This is his favorite part of the job. Click HERE for more info.
K + S
(Overseas International Fellowship)
(International Messengers)
Ben and Jeanne, who serve with a nonprofit organization based in Iowa, relocated in September of 2018 from Lyon to Perpignan, France. Ben is professor of intercultural studies at a private theological training college located in Geneva, Switzerland. He is also founder and director of a French cultural nonprofit which uses French language teaching as a training tool for cross-cultural outreach and communication. Ben and Jeanne are active members of a local French Baptist church in Perpignan.
To learn more about International Messengers, click HERE.
(Trinity Video Seminary)
TVSEMINARY - is a worldwide Evangelical Online School located in Russia. TVSEMINARY staff record, edit and dub over courses from TEDS and other schools into several languages at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level with over 6000 registered students. TVSEMNARY also freely distributes video lectures in over 150 countries with millions of viewings over the last couple of years.
To learn more about TVS, click HERE.
Go to our YouTube channel HERE for free access to TVS courses. Current projects, click HERE
(Mesa Global)
Kevin and Leah Book-Satterlee serve with Mesa Global (formerly United World Mission) in southern Spain directing a mission apprenticeship program called Avance España. Besides seeing young adults explore their missional call by participating in what God is doing cross-culturally, Leah and Kevin have a passion to equip churches to engage their local communities missionally. This year Leah will be involved in more ministries through the local church and Kevin will be working with local leaders to develop a mentoring network for Spanish Christian youth. Kevin and Leah have a passion to proclaim and demonstrate Christ’s transformative Gospel particularly in post-Christian contexts. Click HERE for more info.
H + N
H & N serve in East Asia.