Thrive project vision



Commitment Card How - To
Check out the video if you need help filling out your commitment card.


“The word and the world have two very different definitions of thriving. i’m excited to recenter on God’s vision of what thrive means for the body of christ.”
Miguel Medina
“The Thrive INITIATIVE excites me because I will get to witness what God is going to do through it and how He is going to show up and show off.”
Altynai Stauss

First, we are asking you to pray and seek God’s direction regarding what He is asking of you. Prepare your heart to hear Him and then listen to what He says. Take your next step. Engage in personal reflection with God in this guide. Talk with your spouse, your family, or others about what this commitment will mean for this next exciting season of your life.
We are inviting you to make a sacrificial commitment to gospel-centered generosity. Follow God’s leading in whatever it is that God leads you to do.
Finally, we ask that you prepare to be changed. We serve an amazing and generous God, and He is going to move in surprising ways. We anticipate an unprecedented impact from our collective THRIVE commitments—something only God can do. Please mark your calendar for Commitment Sunday, May 5 and prepare to experience a powerful worship service that will be remembered as a defining moment for our church and for each of us.
We are focused on everyone at EFCC seeing their giving as an integral part of the discipleship process and then being challenged by God to take a next step. During the five-week THRIVE initiative, we will dive into some key Biblical principles that guide us in this area as we follow Jesus. This is our first priority—100% participation in the process. Even if someone wrote us a check today for our secondary goal of $6,300,000, we would still embark on this initiative. Whether we’re just starting in our giving journey or we’re very committed givers, we all have a next step to take and room to grow in this area.
Our current annual giving is approximately $1,600,000—when multiplied by two years this would be $3,200,000. We’re asking God and God’s people to grow our resources by a little more than $1,550,000 per year for a total of $6,300,000 in order to accomplish our ministry goals.
Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give toward THRIVE. You might have some stocks, property, or other items of that nature. Or you may have stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that He just might be calling you to give during this time. Please let us know if you need assistance with facilitating gifts of property or stock, and we would be happy to help you.
THRIVE was created with you in mind—this initiative is for ALL who call EFCC “home.” THRIVE is a “one fund” generosity initiative. It’s different from a traditional capital campaign where people are asked to give an extra gift above and beyond their regular giving, thus creating two steps. THRIVE is a call to sacrificial, gospel-centered generosity for all of us. If you have never given before, please consider joining us in this exciting next season of growth and Kingdom impact.
We are asking everyone to make a two-year (24-month) commitment. The fulfillment period for this commitment will begin with Celebration & First Fruits Sunday and will culminate in May 2026.
THRIVE is about the vision for our church and our personal discipleship in giving as followers of Jesus. We believe that the local church is one of the most compelling places to invest your resources of time, talents, and treasure. We would love for you to join us in THRIVE. If you are ready, this is a perfect time to put a stake in the ground and make this your church home.
THRIVE is about sacrificial generosity to God’s work in and through EFCC. We believe God calls us to action in times of hardship just as much as He does in times of abundance. This looks different for everyone. We invite you trust God with your finances and join us as He leads you. We hope that 100% of those who call EFCC “home” will be a part of THRIVE so that we can encourage and pray for each other as we all grow during this season.
If you are currently seeking to pay off debt right now, we commend you. Keep doing that good work! We are happy to help you in this journey and can recommend a budgeting class or resources to support you. Being in debt, however, is not in and of itself a reason not to give. Giving isn’t just about what God wants from us—it’s also about what God wants for us. It’s a privilege and joy to be generous in every season. Please reach out to one of our pastors if you need assistance or would like to speak with a financial counselor. We’d be delighted to help you.
Our campus is our greatest ministry tool and we must be good stewards of the facilities God has given us. Investing in our campus IS an investment in missions and outreach because we desire to see more people join us here to find and follow Jesus. Just like those who came before us in past decades invested in this campus, we now must do the same to ensure that future generations of people in Chico and around the world can find and follow Jesus.